Posts – Page 2

Mohcine Madkour

Clustering of vaccine temporal data in timeline

Events in clinical narratives are naturally associated with medical trials, including surgery, vaccination, lab test, medication, medical procedure, and diagnosis. They are interrelated with many temporal relations. The grouping of medical events onto temporal clusters is a key to applications such as longitudinal studies, clinical question answering, and information retrieval …

Mohcine Madkour

An Introduction to Agent-based Models: Simulating Segregation with Python

In this post, I will explain about Schelling's segregation model, implement the same in Python programming language, and explain the power of agent based simulations for understanding complex phenomenon.

Mohcine Madkour

An Introduction to Text Mining using Twitter Streaming API and Python

In this tutorial, I will use Twitter data to compare the popularity of 3 programming languages: Python, Javascript and Ruby, and to retrieve links to programming tutorials.