Posts tagged 'python'

Mohcine Madkour

A Practical Introduction to Deep Learning with Caffe and Python

The goal of this blog post is to give you a hands-on introduction to deep learning. To do this, we will build a Cat/Dog image classifier using a deep learning algorithm called convolutional neural network. This post is divided into 2 main parts. The first part covers some core concepts behind deep learning, while the second part is structured in a hands-on tutorial format. We will use some Python code and a popular open source deep learning framework called Caffe to build the classifier.

Mohcine Madkour

An Introduction to Agent-based Models: Simulating Segregation with Python

In this post, I will explain about Schelling's segregation model, implement the same in Python programming language, and explain the power of agent based simulations for understanding complex phenomenon.

Mohcine Madkour

An Introduction to Text Mining using Twitter Streaming API and Python

In this tutorial, I will use Twitter data to compare the popularity of 3 programming languages: Python, Javascript and Ruby, and to retrieve links to programming tutorials.